Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Customers can request cancellations of services by contacting our customer support team via phone or email.
  • The cancellation request should include the relevant details, such as the invoice number and reason for cancellation.
  • Cancellation requests will be processed based on the terms outlined in the service agreement signed between the customer and IT Services Pvt Ltd.
  • In some cases, cancellation fees may apply, which will be communicated to the customer upon receiving the cancellation request.
  • TechSignific IT Services Pvt Ltd strives to provide excellent services and customer satisfaction. However, please note that we maintain a strict refund policy.
  • Service Fees: For project-based services, no refund policy is applicable
  • Communication:
  • Any cancellation or refund-related communications and requests should be sent to our customer support team via email or through contact information provided on our website.
  • We strive to respond promptly to all cancellation and refund requests, addressing any concerns or queries you might have.