functional testing

Functional Testing Services

Functions (or features) are tested by feeding them input and examining the output. Functional testing ensures that the requirements are properly satisfied by the application. This type of testing is not concerned with how processing occurs, but rather, with the results of processing. It simulates actual system usage but does not make any system structure assumptions. It is based on client’s requirements (as opposed to client’s expectations in Non-Functional Testing). For example, a client might require that a financial report be generated. It tests WHAT the software does (As opposed to HOW the software does). Functional Testing is done during all levels of testing.


Functional Testing, as a group of testing types, includes the following tests:

  • Smoke Testing
  • Functional Testing (Also known as Feature Testing)
  • Confirmation Testing
  • Regression Testing

Discuss Your Project with Our Specialists

We are having 15 years of experience in mobile testing. Our company have 75+ testing specialists experienced in complex projects. Our test engineers are ISTQBT certified. We have in-house testing center for providing excellence in our work.

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