mobile testing

Mobile Applications Testing Services

About 25% of users delete an app after a single use and never reinstall it, which means that all the efforts, time and money spent on the app development were simply in vain. How to reduce this alarming rate? The answer is in quality mobile app testing that we are ready to provide.

Our test engineers look into functional and non-functional app features, as well as mobile technology specifics (mobile gestures, numerous operation systems and screen resolutions) and various external factors that may hamper the app work (network conditions, interruptions by calls, SMS and more).

WHAT WE TEST under mobile testing

Mobile apps

Native mobile apps deliver rich experience to users of a particular mobile platform. ScienceSoft’s specialists test native mobile apps relying on 15 years of experience in the field.

Mobile web apps

Run in mobile browsers, web apps cater to a wider user audience regardless of a mobile platform. Our testing engineers test mobile web apps for a vast variety of browsers for smartphones and tablets.

Discuss Your Project with Our Specialists

We are having 15 years of experience in mobile testing. Our company have 75+ testing specialists experienced in complex projects. Our test engineers are ISTQBT certified. We have in-house testing center for providing excellence in our work.

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